LGU-Carigara with the support of various agencies, namely, the MUN. Social Welfare & Dev't. Office, Dept. of Interior & Local Gov't, Mun. Agriculture Office Mun.. Health Office, Mun. Population Office, and Barangay Officials launched the campaign for the institutionalization of the Bright Child Project in all barangays of Carigara., mandated by Executive Order No. 286 of Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Among the activities conducted were the supplemental feeding and early education programs, dubbed os Nutri-Pabasa. About 90 children from Bgy. Barugohay Norte. and Bgys. East and West Visoria who are under the nutritional status of Be- low Normal Very Low (BNVL) and Below Normal Low (BNL) were served during the supplemental feeding. In the second phase of the Nutri-Pabasa
Bright Child campaign, mothers attended the affair regardless of whether their children were beneficiaries or not of the supplemental feeding. Bright Child is a title given to the project of interventions of food nutrition, health, early education, and psychological programs for children 0.17 years old, especially children in their formative stage, or children 0..6 years old whose growth is critical. The project integrates and unifies all the existing programs and services of government and non-government organizations, and international agencies in pursuing a common strategy to raise healthy and bright children.
Every Filipino child deserves to have a bright tomorrow says Ms. Aida L. Paner, Municipal Social Welfare Officer.
Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of Carigara that,
Sec. I. Title: This Ordinance shall be known as dIe Ordinance Declaring January 25, 1571 as the official Founding Day of the town of Carigara.
Sec. 2. Beginning January 25,2001. Which is the 435th anniversary and every anniversary date thereafter the Foundation Day shall be celebrated with fitting program and activity by the people of Carigara spearheaded by the local government unit of the Municipality of Carigara.
Sec. 3. The celebration shall be known as "Adlaw Han Kalgara": and shall be declared as local public holiday for the Municipality.
Sec. 4. The founding. Date shall be reflected on the Official Seal of the Municipal Government of Carigara.
Sec. 5. The amount of Five hundred Thousand Pesos (P500, 000.OO) is hereby appropriated out of any available funds. for the celebration of the first Foundation Day on January 25.2006.
Sec. 6. Effectivity: This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval